Warhammer 40,000:
War of the Galaxies
Unreal Tournament 2003 modification
Warhammer 40,000: War of the Galaxies is about the table top game Warhammer 40k and the galaxy in which it is about. The player will take on the role of a soldier in one of the many vast armies in the Warhammer 40k universe.
Our goal is to give you a view of battles in the 41st millennium from a soldiers eye. Eventually this modification will include all of the weapons and all of the battle races in the Warhammer 40k universe.
At the beginning of each game if you are the host a screen will pop up with showing two different player models, you can choose what armies vs.
which and if your joining a game then you have screen like the hosts except you cant cycle through each army you can only select which side you want to be on.
Ultra Marines:
Scout c.o.w.: 1. Sniper Rifle 2. shotgun
Tactical Squad c.o.w.: 1. Bolter 2. Flamer
Devastator c.o.w.: 1.Missile Launcher 2. Lascannon
3. Multi-melta 4. Plasma cannon.
Terminators c.o.w.: 1. storm Bolter and power fists 2. power fists and Assault Cannon 3. Heavy Flamer and power fist.
Assault Squad c.o.w.: 1. Bolt Pistol and chainsword and jump pack 2. plasma pistol and chainsword and jump pack.
Apothecary c.o.w.: 1. Bolt Pistol and chainsword can heal players 2. plasma pistol and chainsword, can heal players.
Tech Priest c.o.w.: 1. Bolt Pistol and Power Axe can fix vehicles 2. Plasma pistol and power axe, can fix vehicles.
Space Wolves:
Scout c.o.w.: 1. Sniper Rifle 2. shotgun
Grey Hunters c.o.w.: 1. Bolt Gun 2. Melta gun
Blood Claws c.o.w.: 1. Bolt Pistol and chainsword 2. plasma pistol and chainsword.
Long Fangs c.o.w.: 1.Missile Launcher 2. Lascannon
3. Multi-melta 4. Plasma Canon.
Wolf Priest c.o.w. 1. plasma pistol and chainsword, can heal players.
Iron Priest c.o.w.: 1. Bolter and long hammer thingy, can fix vehicles.
Terminators c.o.w. 1. storm Bolter and power fists 2. power fists and Assault Cannon 3. Heavy Flamer and power fist.
Grotz c.o.w.: 1. Boltgun 2. sword and shotgun.
Shottaa Boyz - c.o.w.: 1. Boltgun and axe. 2. those .50 cal looking guns.
Grot Oilers c.o.w.: 1. Bolt pistol, can repair vehicles.
Stormboyz c.o.w.: 1. chainsword and bolt pistol, rokkit packs.
Ardboyz c.o.w.: 1. Boltpistol and chainsword 2. bolt gun with round magazine.
Burna Boyz c.o.w.: 1.fame torches.
Tank Bustas c.o.w.: 1. Bolt pistol and stick bomb
Mad Dok c.o.w.: 1. axe and bolt pistol. can heal other Orks.
Rangers - c.o.w.: 1. Needler Rifles, Cameoline cloak
Guardians c.o.w: 1. Shuriken gun
Fire Dragons c.o.w.: 1. Fusion guns and melta bombs.
Striking Scorpions c.o.w: 1. Mandibalster and chainsword with Shuriken pistol
Dire Avengers c.o.w.: 1. Shuriken catapults.
Dark Reapers c.o.w.: 1 range trackers, and missile launchers.
Warp Spiders c.o.w.: 1. carapace armor, death spinner.
Howling Banshees c.o.w: 1.emmits a horrible scream cr (acts like a concussion grenade), sword and a Shuriken pistol.
Imperial Guard:
Infantry platoon c.o.w.: 1. lasguns. 2. Flamer
Storm Troopers c.o.w.: 1. lasguns with scopes and demolition packs.
Mortar man - c.o.w.: 1. laspistol and mortar weapon.
Missile Launcher - c.o.w.: 1. Missile Launcher w/ sniper scope
Shotgunner - c.o.w.: 1.double barreled shotgun and demo pack.
Sniper - c.o.w.: 1.sniper rifle
Radio Operator - c.o.w.: 1. bolt pistol and radio, can call for a planet strike from gunships above.
Weapons and Technology
Bolt Pistol:
strengths-you can use a melee weapon with it
weaknesses-short range
strengths-has a bayonet, pretty good range
weaknesses-none all around weapon
sniper rifle:
strengths-best range in space marines arsenal, one hit kill
weaknesses-you have to aim so no visible crosshair, bolt action.
Strengths-shells are widespread not quite a lot of damage.
Weaknesses-short range
Plasma pistol:
strengths-does a lot of damage to personal armor
weaknesses-short range.
strengths-good against flesh or light armor can also shoot bolt pistol and plasma pistol while wielding it.
Weaknesses-have to get into melee range.
Power Axe:
strengths: GREAT against armor and flesh
weaknesses: none really but you have to get within melee range so thats kind of bad.
Power sword:
strengths: GREAT against armor and flesh 1 hit kill
weaknesses: slow.
strengths: can attach to bolter
weaknesses: weak attack.
Power Claw:
strengths-good against flesh but only average at armor
Storm Bolter:
strengths-twice as many shots as a regular bolter.
Weaknesses-only terminators can use it.
Jump packs:
Strengths- allows wearer to jump high in the air.
Weaknesses-only lasts a short time.
Needler rifles:
Strengths- best range in Eldar arsenal, one hit kill, not bolt action like space marines sniper rifle.
Weaknesses- need to aim, no crosshairs
Cameoline cloak:
Strengths-makes the wearer invisible for a short period of time.
Weaknesses-limited time of cloaking capabilities
range trackers:
strengths-never misses a target
weaknesses takes long to reload the missile launcher.
carapace armor:
strengths-like a translocator.
Weaknesses-takes a while to reload.
Death spinner:
Strengths-very powerful
Weaknesses-short range.
Strengths-pretty good range and pretty high damage
Weaknesses-single shot only.
Demolition packs:
Strengths-blows almost anything up.
Weaknesses-you have to get way close to the enemy (sometimes too close for comfort)
Shuriken gun:
Strengths-high rate of fire, medium damage.
Shuriken pistols:
Strengths-high rate of fire.